- Ph.D in Geography, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, 2017 - 2025 (expected), Advisor: Dr. Shaowen Wang
- M.S. in Geographic Information Systems and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, 2015, Thesis: The Influence of Signalling upon Milecastle and Turret Positions along Hadrian’s Wall
- Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Classical Languages, University of Pennsylvania, 2014
- B.A. in Greek and Roman Studies, Rhodes College, 2008-2012
Work experience
- Research Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA (2018-present)
- Designed custom CyberGISX Python tutorials and Jupyter Notebooks to assist GSI Geospatial Fellows and CyberGISX users. Met weekly with Geospatial Fellows to troubleshoot projects. Provided additional 1 on 1 tutoring on geospatial computation for Geospatial Fellows. Handled administrative tasks and webinar scheduling with AAG for Geospatial Fellows program. Helped create user experience workflows and wrote all help documentation for CyberGISX. Assisted with Geospatial Software Institute user community survey, and 2nd workshop setup, audio visual recording, and follow-up. Edited and developed a series of Jupyter Notebooks for the 2019 CyberGIS Summer School.
- Geographic Information Systems Technician, Apple Inc. via Apex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA (2016-2017)
- Analyzed, validated, enhanced, and assembled new data content for consumer applications.
- Geographic Information Systems Student Associate, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN, USA (2009-2012)
- Created, designed, and implemented projects in cross-departmental collaboration with students and faculty in geography, physics, international studies, and others. Assisted students and faculty by troubleshooting ArcGIS 9.2–3 and other software issues. Collected, standardized, and organized data for faculty, student projects, and GIS classes.
- Python, C++, High Performance/Parallel Programming (MPI, CUDA), R, JavaScript, Perl, KML, XML, HTML, SQL, Hive
- Esri ArcGIS Desktop 9.2–3, 10.1–6, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, Grass GIS, QGIS, IBM SPSS
- Agent-Based Modeling
- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Kang, Jeon-Young, Jared Aldstadt, Alexander Michels, Rebecca Vandewalle, and Shaowen Wang. (2019). "CyberGIS-Jupyter for spatially explicit agent-based modeling: a case study on influenza transmission." GeoSim '19: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on geospatial simulation, pp. 32–35,
Vandewalle, Rebecca C. (2015). "The Influence of Signalling upon Milecastle and Turret Positions along Hadrian’s Wall" University of Edinburgh MSc thesis,
Vandewalle, Rebecca, Jeon-Young Kang, Dandong Yin, and Shaowen Wang. (2015). "Integrating CyberGIS-Jupyter and spatial agent-based modelling to evaluate emergency evacuation time." GeoSim '19: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation, pp 28–31,
Kang, Jeon-Young, Jared Aldstadt, Rebecca Vandewalle, Dandong Yin & Shaowen Wang (2020). "A CyberGIS Approach to Spatiotemporally Explicit Uncertainty and Global Sensitivity Analysis for Agent-Based Modeling of Vector-Borne Disease Transmission." Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 110:6, 1855-1873, DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1723400.
Vandewalle, Rebecca C., William C. Barley, Anand Padmanabhan, Daniel S. Katz, and Shaowen Wang (2021). "Understanding the multifaceted geospatial software ecosystem: a survey approach" International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 35 (11), 2168-2186, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2020.1831514
Anand Padmanabhan, Zimo Xiao, Rebecca Vandewalle, Alexander Michels, and Shaowen Wang (2021). "Enabling computationally intensive geospatial research on CyberGIS-Jupyter with CyberGIS-Compute" Gateways 2021, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5570056
Anand Padmanabhan, Ximo Ziao, Rebecca C Vandewalle, Furqan Baig, Alexander Michel, Zhiyu Li, and Shaowen Wang (2021). "CyberGIS-compute for enabling computationally intensive geospatial research" SpatialAPI '21: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on APIs and Libraries for Geospatial Data Science, 3, 1-2, DOI: 10.1145/3486189.3490017
April 05, 2019
Presentation at American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
September 17, 2019
Presentation at Research Innovation Forum Meeting, Urbana, IL
November 05, 2019
Presentation at GeoSim Workshop, ACM SIGSPATIAL, Chicago, IL
February 14, 2020
Poster presentation at SESE Research Review, Urbana, IL
November 18, 2020
Poster presentation at University of Illinois GIS Day, virtual
March 12, 2021
Presentation at Research Innovation Forum Meeting, virtual
April 10, 2021
Presentation at American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, virtual
April 21, 2021
Poster presentation at SESE Research Review, Urbana, IL
Scholarships & Grants
Illinois Distinguished Fellowship (2017-2021) Scotland Saltire Scholarship (2014) Edinburgh Santander Master’s Scholarship (2014) Edinburgh Global Master’s Scholarship (2014)
Service & leadership
- Journal peer review: Transactions in GIS (2)
Language Skills
German (advanced, Zertifikat Deutsch B1), Latin (advanced), Ancient Greek (advanced), Mandarin Chinese (intermediate)
Professional Memberships
- AAG - American Association of Geographers
- The Shire of Caer Gwyn Student Organization President 2018-2022
- UIUC Geography Graduate Student Association - Vice President
- UIUC Geography Graduate Student Association - Social Chair